The 3040 is the benchmark instrument for ballooning and is ideal for
balloonists who want essential flight information with minimal technological
distraction. User-friendly operation provides precise easy to read
altimeter, variometer, chronometric and temperature data with virtually
no interaction by the pilot. Envelope temperature is measured with the TT34
remote pyrometer, transmitted wirelessly and clearly displayed on the 3040.
This greatly increases pilot safety and convenience. Temperature alarms alert
the pilot when the balloon’s max-continuous and never-exceed temperatures
have been exceeded. The 3040 is compact and very rugged. Intelligent automatic
shut-off and dual batteries should virtually eliminate dead battery in flight.
•User-friendly interface
•Remote envelope temperature sensing
•Two envelope temperature alarms
•Descent alarm
•Real-time clock and stop watch
•Accurate, rugged and reliable
•Light, compact and ergonomic
•Descent alarm
•Dual battery and automatic shut-off